The history of the use of experimental and laboratory animals: Ancient Cultures, Egypt and the Hebrew Civilisation, ancient Greece. The Deterioration of Mediaeval Medicine. The Renaissance of Medicine, the Medicine of the Renaissance. The Birth of Experiment. The Establishment of Modern Scientific Approaches.
Analgesia, Pain and its manifestation in experimental animals. Drugs used for pain relief - Regional techniques, Opioid analgesics, Non-opioid analgesics. Postoperative Care. Euthanasia - Basic ethical principles, Applicable methods (Chemical methods, Mechanical methods).
Anesthesia, analgesia, postooperative care. Anesthesia of Small Laboratory Animals. General advantages and disadvantages of using small animals in laboratory experiments. Anesthetic procedures in small animals. Anesthesia of Large Laboratory Animals. Basic procedure and induction of anesthesia. Intensive care in animal experiments.
Extended Monitoring of Hemodynamics and Perfusion of Individual Organs - Thermodilution principle, Ultrasonographic approach, Pulse waveform analysis. Laboratory Methods. Experimental Methods. Monitoring of tissue oxygen. Monitoring of microcirculation.
Monitoring and support of vital functions during anesthesia of laboratory animals. Basic Clinical Monitoring of Animal under Anesthesia. Monitoring of ventilation and oxygenation. Monitoring of cardiovascular system. Values of Basic Vital Functions in Different Animal Species. Ventilatory Support and Monitoring of Pulmonary Function.
Basic Overview of Agents for Anesthesia in Laboratory Animals, Anesthetics - Thiopental, Propofol, Ketamine, Volatile anesthetics, Benzodiazepines, Antipsychotics. Analgesics - Opioid analgesics, Fentanyl and Long-acting analgesics, Non-opioid analgesics. Basic Preparation of Laboratory Animals for Anesthesia.
Anesthesia of experimental animals. Drug administration, anesthesia care, preoperative preparation. Introduction, basic Anesthetic Methods and Techniques, types of anesthesia care and possibilities of their induction. Methods of drug administration.
Legal standards relating to the protection of experimental animals. Introduction to biology ane breeding of experimental and laboratory animals. Basic Needs of Laboratory Animals. Systems of Breeding Experimental Animals. Genetic Characteristics of Experimental Animals. Characteristics of Well-Known Experimentally Used Species.